Thursday 29 January 2015

The first one! I'm organising a charity event.

Hi all,

This is a new one for me on two counts, it is my first blog and my first post on a blog (please bear with me!).

This is where I will keep you all up to date with regard to a charity event I am organising, but using a steam model to do it. Those of you who know me will know that I enjoy tinkering with live steam and in particular Mamod steam locomotives and getting to run 'just so'.

The objective of this event is to create a Mamod/MSS based steam locomotive to carry out as far as possible, a timed run for as long as possible. The loco itself I am looking to build will hopefully cost as little as possible and I am looking to anyone who can spare that odd part, whether it be broken, warn out, rusty, damaged, modified, butchered, anything as long as it is essentially whole. I have acquired a strong knowledge base for these engines and know how to make them tick. My mindset is literally repair over replace, as its more fun! So if you have any parts lying around in your toolbox/parts bin that you no longer need, please give me a shout!

Once I have built the locomotive, I will be looking to gain sponsorship for the timed run. Basically I will set it up so that sponsorship is by the minute, and whatever the run finishes up at is what the time will be. The only stipulation on the run is that the loco must remain 'in steam' or have a pressure inside the boiler to count as a continuous run.

In terms of frequency, I would like to start this as an annual event and hopefully increase as popularity demands.

The charity

The chosen charity is going to be the M.S Society, Multipul Sclerosis. The reason being that my late mother was a sufferer for approximately 30 years and it took any decent life she would have had away from her. Growing up watching this happen to my parents was soul destroying.

I feel that I would like to give something back to the charity that both my parents were part of and supported mum in such a big way throughout her life, and this is how I want to do it.

So please, if you want to support me with parts for a build or sponsor when the event takes place, contact me to make arrangements.

Thank you.

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